Tuesday 27 January 2015

#2VJCRRR2 rules and regulation

1. Respect each other ( if you think you can do this , you may enter our clan)
2. Active especially during war period.
3. Donate at least 25 troops per day for unlimited request for the day 
 -donate only the troops that asked for.. no prank by put the troops that not asked
4. Never Show off
5. Follow the war rules
 -CC troops for war ONLY can be donate by top management and it must be level 4 and above
 -NO goblin, barbarian, giant and wall breaker for CC war. 
6. Better you left if you don't like our rules before we give you a boot
7. Enjoyed


Clan name: Unisel United
Mnenonic: UU
Establish : early 20
# search: #2vjcrrr2
clan type: invite only
location: Malaysia
War frequency: 2 time a week ( Tuesday and Friday 10.00 p.m - 11.00 p.m +8GMT)

top management;-
Leader: 1
Co-leader: 4
Elder: 2

*anyone can join as long as their follow the rules